Sunday, May 28, 2017

it's been a while...

It's been a while, very long while.. Last time I wrote something here it was February 2011. I was still living in the place where I can comfortably call home, Ireland. So much has changed since 2011. I can pretty much say that I'm a different person.
Let's say that in the past couple of years my life has been in a emotional rollercoaster, so many ups and downs that I think I cannot differ what is the center point, where we draw the line between happines and sadness. I've lost the woman I thought I'd have a future with, I still haven't succeded in my carrer, I think that only thing I can say that I'm proud with is my actual house or apartment which frankly I thought it would be a disaster living with another friend but it turned out to be the best thing I have actually done recently.
I know think I'm going through a tough time in my emotional rollercoaster again... I think I'm about to hit the bottom once again but this time I at least know it will go back to normal once I figure out what is actually causing all of this.
I am blessed to have friends like I have. Guys that I can really count on with whatever I need and that's amazing and more people I met I see that it's becoming more and more rare, real truly friends.
All the nice people I met in the past year also just added in my life, lots of lessons that they don't even know they are teaching me.. oh man, how lucky I am to have friends like them.
Sometimes the loneliness hit hard and the signs of depression also hit very hard but it's a constant fight that all normal people are constantly fighting.
I think the stagnation in my life is what is causing me to be feeling like I am now.
Then I think of one word, with so many different uses: HOPE. Hope for me, to actually achieve what I'm aiming  for my life, hope in the people, it's kinda controversial to actually say that because it could be interpreted in two completely different ways but I guess I'm trying to say is the hope people to become better because it may not look like but this is what I'm trying to do. Hope that me and people around me will succed. I think its worth nothing to become a sucessful person if the people you care and love are not there with you.
I think by now I can only hope.

I will be using this as my journal, I honestly don't expect people to read it but the idea is to get off my chest and put into words. If you accidentaly found this online, you either ignore it or don't pay too much attention to it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

More than 10 years to understand a song...

To be quite honest, I don't actually remember the last time I posted something here. I could cheat and just go back to my last post and check the date, but whatever... I just don't know. Anyway...

Today, I was talking to a couple of friends of mine, Robson Rocha and Cleide Nascimento and among many different topics we were chatting, music was there, as always.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Things you can't explain but you can feel

A couple of nights ago, I had one of the most realist dreams of my life.
Sometimes when you are in the middle of a dream, things kinda don't make sense. You can be flying and in few seconds you're in a place where you've never been before, you saw it somewhere or I don't know, just a random place.

However, my dream was a very known place, with the person I know/knew most in my life, it could not be more real.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Always a new start but never an old end

How many times have you stopped to think about things that you never actually finished.
I mean, you started somehow at some point but you actually never gave it an end.

I was in a deep talk to myself and I just realized so many things that I started and didn't finish. Whatever the reason was it was never done. I'm not talking about a painting that you never finished or something for college that you had to give to a friend finish it because Aliens took you for experimental stuff.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Why not in english?!

I haven't posted anything here since a while.
I don't know why, maybe just lazyness or nothing really going on to post.. I don't know.
Yesterday, I had a very good talk to someone.
remembering things from the past, visualizing how much I learned through year of my life.
"Speaking" like this I may sound like I'm in my 60's, and my death is just around the corner.
Not at all, I'm feeling pretty confident with my life at the moment, I wish I could do better in loads of things, get other things over.. all that stuff that people have to do and never do.. do you know what I mean?! yeah.. more less like this.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Vai entender..?!

Quantas vezes voce ja ficou PUTO! com alguem porque voce simplesmente nao entendeu o que a pessoa quis dizer por ela estar usando uma lingua que parece que so ela fala (mesmo essa pessoa sendo nascida no mesmo pais que voce, ou seja, teoricamente ela fala o mesmo idioma). Acredito que muitas vezes certo? Se a resposta foi nao, que seja, eu ja fiquei varias vezes puto.

Acredito que existam pessoas com uma extrema capacidade de irritar as outras pessoas, acredito que ate eu mesmo tenho essa capacidade com algumas pessoas. (pelo o menos eu ouvi isso recentemente "Tarciso, voce consegue me irritar com uma facilidade absurda" dai tiro essa conclusao).

No dia-a-dia convivo com pessoas de todos os cantos do mundo. Pessoas muito interessantes. Muitas delas daria vontade de passar a tarde inteira trocando ideia.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Carros + Futebol! What a combination!

Brasil, o pais que basicamente eh conhecido por carnaval, mulheres nuas, favelas e eh claro.. FUTEBOL!
Acredito que muitos nao saibam mas eu fui e sou um grande jogador de futebol. Desde de crianca era o ultimo a ser escolhido e mesmo assim quando era escolhido ida pra defesa, ou seja, meu negocio nao eh muito a "pelota".

Nem por isso deixo de apreciar a bela arte do futebol. Se for no Playstation te falar que nas minhas condicoes fisicas atuais.. eu bato um bolao, na vida real, correndo num campo atras de uma bola.. acho que nao vai render muito nao.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Quando eu queria morar no EUA...

Hoje a tarde, logo depois da minha parada pro almoco. Resolvo eu ver noticias pelo mundo..
Logo me deparo com uma noticia um tanto quanto bizarra e ao mesmo tempo "alegre"! hahah

O que aconteceu no Haiti ta pelo mundo todo e sem sombra de duvidas ainda vai ficar no meio das noticias por um tempo. Pessoas querendo ajudar das formas possiveis, seja enviando dinheiro pro Haiti, roupas, medicamentos o que for.

Nos Estados Unidos a galera tem uns jeitos "alternativos" de fazer as coisas neh. Vai entender, cada um eh cada um. E tambem porque nao as strippers nao poderiam ajudar?

Segue a reportagem do portal de noticias G1

Irish Nightlife

Ontem resolvi colocar a cara na rua e fui pra um pub com uns amigos. Vi o que ja esperava ver mesmo... tudo o que todo mundo que ja veio a Irlanda ve (todo dia) e nada me impressionou.. Ate ai nada demais.. vida continua, bla bla bla..

Porem resolvi pesquisar na Internet sobre a "Irish Nightlife" e me deparei com um texto um tanto quanto interessante..

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Carros... Ah... Carros...

Acho que varias pessoas sabem da minha paixao por carros.
Entao partindo desse princio e tambem de que as pessoas devem "saborear" coisas boas da vida, estou compartilhando um video muito bom de um cara que dirige um tanto quanto.. bem...

Hope you Enjoy,

Ken Block

*Eu nao sou idiota nem maluco, a imagem que ta parecendo no video eh de uma moto e eu escrevi carros, mas eh so assistir o video.