Saturday, April 24, 2010

Things you can't explain but you can feel

A couple of nights ago, I had one of the most realist dreams of my life.
Sometimes when you are in the middle of a dream, things kinda don't make sense. You can be flying and in few seconds you're in a place where you've never been before, you saw it somewhere or I don't know, just a random place.

However, my dream was a very known place, with the person I know/knew most in my life, it could not be more real.

by the dictionary, the definition of a dream is

/drim/ Show Spelled [dreem] Show IPA noun, verb,dreamed or dreamt, dream·ing, adjective

1. a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.

2. the sleeping state in which this occurs.

3. an object seen in a dream.

4. an involuntary vision occurring to a person when awake.

5. a vision voluntarily indulged in while awake; daydream; reverie.

6. an aspiration; goal; aim: A trip to Europe is his dream.

7. a wild or vain fancy.

8. something of an unreal beauty, charm, or excellence.

which is actually a very good explanation.. but.. I just don't care what it is. I just wanted to know why do we have them?
How can you feel so close to someone that you can't be with anymore in a so realistic way? I'm not complaining! not at all, I just would like to understand a little bit more.

Sometimes we have terrible dreams. Why do we have them? yeah, I know, I'm getting a bit childish.
I have a very good friend who insists that you can "manipulate" and control your dreams to have the dream however you like. I still a bit sceptical about it. I just don't know.. sounds to weird for me.

Yesterday I was with another friend and I showed some pictures to her and I couldn't hold it. My eyes became two "little swimming pools". Even tho, there was that good feeling. the knowledge of knowing (sounds redundant, I know) that she was proud of me. That's the thing that I will be most proud about myself in my life. Sadly she ins't among us anymore, but wherever she is, she's taking care of me and all who cares about me.

Once my mum said that my sister and I knew more people than my father. He told her one day after work that while he was driving in every corner of the city we said "hi" "how's it going?" to at least one person. After that I started paying attention and she was right, I know a lot of people. Much better than the fact that I know a lot of people she said. "I really like your friends, they are very good people (however she didn't like, she would tell me straightway.) I consider all your friends my friends"

I've never forgotten that and actually she "proved" that she hadn't said just to please me. Many times I was going to her online profile and I saw messages from my friends to my mum. I felt very good everytime I saw a new message.

By everything mentioned in the previous paragraph ,  that's why I say. If you are a good friend of mine... the probability of a little Angel looking after you from up there is very very high! ;-)

I just realized that I'm losing the focus. I started with a dream and I'm talking about my friends and the good relation my mum had with all of them.
But actually, that makes a lot of sense, everything is connected. I dreamt about my mum, all good memories flash back in my head and now I'm talking about my friends, the ones that my mum really liked. yeah.. that makes sense... 

I had to admit when I started writing all of this, I was a little bit sad, listening to Los Hermanos. Now I feel motivation to DO something! yeah! I'm gonna do something! that's right..!

but maybe I have to rest a little bit before.. still tired from yesterday.. =P

*again, sorry for all the spelling mistakes... I still have my lovely broken english!


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