Tuesday, February 15, 2011

More than 10 years to understand a song...

To be quite honest, I don't actually remember the last time I posted something here. I could cheat and just go back to my last post and check the date, but whatever... I just don't know. Anyway...

Today, I was talking to a couple of friends of mine, Robson Rocha and Cleide Nascimento and among many different topics we were chatting, music was there, as always.

Music is nothing more than one of the most important parts of my life. It can change my mood, can change the way I think about something or even someone according to the kind of music this person usually listens to.

I don't exactly know who or why we mentioned (for me) a very cheesy song by Fabio Junior called "Pai". Robson, like always gave me the whole background behind the song. Telling me when it first appeared on T.V. and later how it became famous.

I don't quite like this song, for me it's a very cheesy song and it was made to sell instead of the real purpose which I believe is to talk about the love towards the image of the father.
In the conversation, Robson mentioned another song about homages to the father (I'm not talking about God, father, the guy who literally made you).
The song which came up is called "Naquela Mesa" by Nelson Gonçalves.

In the early 90's, when my father was still alive, he used to listen to this song, to many of Nelson Gonçalves' songs. At the time, I could never understand why the hell he kept on listening to those songs, they were boring for me, lyrics always talking about the lost of someone or love or something that I was not interested at all, because it simply didn't make any sense for me.

Years after my father's death, I heard the song again. (today)
And I think, today I can say that I understand all those years of listening to music that I didn't like.
Today I can understand and feel the pureness of the song, not only in the lyrics but also in the rhythm.
This song was not made to make you dance or make you happy or even sad. I think this is a song which was made to touch where we keep all those whom we have lost. This was made to touch our hearts.

Since the early 90's, I can definitely say that I have changed a lot, not only my appearance but my way of thinking. I grew up and I will be always great full for the parents I had. Because of them I am what I am and I am very proud of it. I know I am not perfect, far from that actually, but in general I can say that I am a good person. (if not, my friends and family have been lying to me since I don't remember).

I feel very motivated towards my future and I have to say thank you to all who support me.

Unfortunately my parents are gone, but fortunately I have got so many friends that my family just get bigger and bigger by the day.

I felt very sad when I heard "Naquela Mesa" for the first time earlier today.

Now, feel like playing this song to my Dad.

Wherever he is.

The video is a version of "Naquela Mesa" by Zélia Duncan, Hamilton de Holanda e Nilze Carvalho.


Daniel said...

As músicas entram pelas orelhas e lá dentro escolhem o caminho que tomam. Algumas músicas entram diversas vezes e por diversas vezes repetem o mesmo caminho, algumas simplesmente mudam o caminho. Ou é você que fecha algumas portas e encaminha a outro lugar.

Belo Post. E seus amigos não estão mentindo. rs

CSN said...

Ai, meeeeu, you make me cry...rsss
Mas não por tristeza. Apenas me emociono.
Seus amigos não mentem. Tu é o cara, rapah! (isso soa mto estranho pra mim..rs). Só precisa pôr em prática tudo o que pensa para conquistar tudo o que quer. O tempo não nos perdoa por atrasos.
E como eu disse, daqui a cinco anos eu quero ouvir vc me dizendo que não dorme, não por insônia, mas pq tá ralando pra terminar seu tcc. E tem uma coisa que dizem por aí que já virou até clichê, mas que serve bem pro momento: o futuro é a única coisa que a gente ainda pode mudar. ;-)

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